
Guide For Search Engines Operators for SEO Link Building

Ever since the dawn of the Internet, Google has been the number one search operator online. Back at the beginnings, in 1999, Google had an index of about 50 million pages. That number has significantly grown since then and now is impossible to correctly measure. Interesting fact is that up to 20% of the daily searches on Google are unique and never searched before.

 Search Volume and How to Find What You Look For

Amazingly, almost 80% of all search volume in the world comes through Google search engine. Baidu, Yahoo, Yandex and Microsoft altogether cover the rest of the search volume.

When it comes to quickly finding what you look for online, the key is to be very precise. Best piece of advice is to use some effective search operators and other important punctuations, which can be very helpful. For those that do not know, search operators are just words that are added to your online search, which help in narrowing down results.

Basic Words and Punctuations to Use

  • @ is popular character which you should use when searching for social media posts and tags.
  • # or hashtag should be used for finding trending topics.
  • $ can help you find prices on specific products and services.
  • * or asterisk can be used for easier finding of unknown terms.
  • “Link” helps in finding pages that link to other pages.
  • “Related” will find sites that are very similar to the web address you know.
  • “Or” find web pages that use one of the several words.
  • “Info” will give you valuable information regarding specific website.

Advanced Words and Punctuations for More Thorough Searches

  • Allinachor:
  • Allintext:
  • Allintitle:
  • Allinurl:
  • Author:
  • Define:

Google restricts results to specific pages if you use some of the mentioned advanced search operators mentioned above. And if you use intext: intitle: site: inurl: or link:  the results will be restricted to documents containing term in the text, title, site domain, URL or link respectively.

Best Thing to Do

For best success, make multiple search queries to find link building opportunities.

  1. Find Websites which provide guest post opportunities.
  2. Find Websites where you can find industry resources.
  3. Find Websites where you can list your website.
  4. Find Non-Profit Organizations that accept donations.
  5. Find Websites that will promote your tools, badges, widgets and infographics.
  6. Find Blogs that accept sponsored/paid reviews.


I am content write and technical expert at a tech organization. I also do the computer science education through the college. Love to solve the techncal issue through my writing and want to help people to solve their.

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